This Day , This Night:
lots to dream
lots to feel
lots to learn
lots to do
about the GrOoVe!
i Just want to say that I'm daunted by the way people absorb their feelings and emotions like they just nothing.
If you really care about yourself then please be as transparent as u can be to the world, just forget what the
world might think about it or how 'they' will judge u.
No matter what, the people who really care about u would never judge you or hide their feelings from you And if Some do then it's all up to you!
From some days this has made me question the people who i really thought cared about me and my life. I have concluded it by stopped talking to some of them and u know what it really has proved that i m really correct about them , that they are just some people who really ACTED like they cared . Now it makes me happy that i atleast know who really does care and who matters to me.
Soon i ll get in Your mind , and when i DO ,
You ll Know i'm the only one for YOU!
for Sure My heart is so Pure...
Dont Lure me because i Wont be....
If your intentions are good then that is how it should be...
as Mine are pure , mine are pure!
Because there is no fear , there is no fear!
Lots to SHARE,
Lots to CARE
Lots to DARE!